
Yes, and!

Volleyball spike

Yes, and!

The very basic – a classic improv saying. Yes, and! A fundamental technique that goes a long way. Saying yes is the first step toward collaborating. It is acknowledging your partner's idea; by saying 'and' you are adding to that idea and building a story, world and characters together.  No one owns the ideas or stories but together, by collaborating, building off of each other – by saying 'yes, and' – I am able to tell stories with my partners that none of us would have been able to on our own.

When an idea, or 'offer', is presented to you in an improv scene it is like your teammate is setting a volleyball for you with a great pass. Saying 'yes' is going for the ball. Saying 'yes, and!' is finishing the point with a strong spike! Don't drop the ball on your partners. Say yes, and!

This translates well to my work, particularly in ideation stages of projects. When I approach a development where my team needs to branch out and generate ideas I look to present some ideas of my own (offers) but also build off of my teammates, playing off of their ideas and getting to new concepts that we would have never been able to on our own – putting our minds together, truly collaborating. Yes, and!

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